[postgis-users] Again: ERROR: function 60821C60 returned NULL

Burgholzer,Robert rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov
Mon Aug 6 10:09:55 PDT 2007

I am experiencing an error that I have seen in the archives with the
title: "ERROR: function 60821C60 returned NULL".  Any help would be


It seems that in the previous posts, a null geometry (or rather too many
of them) was the cause. I, however, am experiencing it with NO NULL
geoms, instead using points with lat/lon = 0.0.  That said, I have tried
it several ways, one of which is with no nulls (usigng 0.0s), the others
with the nulls.  All throw the error when trying to create a GIST index.


My Data:

creating points from DD lat/lon values, with the following:


set the_geom = GeomFromText('POINT(' || "LAT_DEC" || ' ' || "LONG_DEC"
|| ')', 4326)

where "LAT_DEC" is not null and "LAT_DEC" <> 0 and "LONG_DEC" is not
null and "LONG_DEC" <> 0;


Insuring that I have no null values with the following:

update water_use_dd set the_geom = GeomFromText('POINT(0.0 0.0)', 4326) 

where the_geom is null;



My system:

Output of postgis_version():


PostgreSQL 8.2

Windows XP



Robert W. Burgholzer

Surface Water Modeler

Office of Water Supply and Planning

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov


Open Source Modeling Tools:


Web-Based Water Supply Planning Demo:



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