[postgis-users] howto register an existing column into geometry_columns

Horacio Samaniego horacio.samaniego at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 16:17:17 PDT 2007

I have been trying to understand exactly how this works...

How to register an existing geometry column into geometry_columns so that
its accessible for geoprocessing.

I've unsuccessfully INSERTed the corresponding info by hand into the

The problem is the following:
I have successfully loaded two tables that I have also successfully
INTERSECTed using the && operator. Now thise has left me with a new table
where I have 2 geometry columns. The question is how do I register these
columns to the geometry_columns table so that I can see it through some
other app like QGis? I believe that some function similar to
addgeometrycolumns() should do this... but this does not update the
geometry_column... !?

here's an exerpt of by *new* table which I am unable to access with qgis

           Table "public.roads_in_urban_or"
       Column       |         Type          | Modifiers
 intersect_geometry | geometry              |
 ogc_fid            | integer               |
 wkb_geometry       | geometry              |

I apologize beforehand if this is a naive question, but it wont hurt to
document this in more depth as this is probably a very common issue...


Horacio Samaniego
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