[postgis-users] Having trouble inserting into PostGIS

Peck, Brian brian.peck at lmco.com
Tue Aug 14 12:23:45 PDT 2007

Hey all,


I'm trying to insert into my MultiLineString Geometry field in my
PostGIS databse and am getting the following error:


ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry


When I do a toString() on my MultiLineString I have the following output


MULTILINESTRING((-74.65061950683594 39.87829780578613,-74.65056610107422


Anyone know why it doesn't like this?



 - I'm using postgis 1.1.7 as it was the default with my Postgres

   - I tried upgrading but the installer for 1.2.1 had an error

 - My MultiLineString is made from a LineString[] made from a Point[]
with two points in it

 - I have successfully added non Geometry fields into my database

 - I'm using Hibernate to insert into my database


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