[postgis-users] import of Raster data

Andreas Laggner andreas.laggner at fal.de
Thu Aug 16 01:43:36 PDT 2007

Moin PostGis users,

i want to import huge raster datasets from ArcGis Grid or Erdas Imagine 
.img to PostGis (for example DEM25 meters germany around 16 million 
cells). What is the best way to do that? Found nothing in the 
documentation that seems to be practical......(perhaps transform the 
grid to points and import the points with the information of the 
original cell size and the projection - but that seems to be circuitous??).

hasta luego      Andreas

Dipl. Geoökologe Andreas Laggner
Institut für Ländliche Räume (LR)
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL)

Institute of Rural Studies
Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)

Bundesallee 50
D-38116 Braunschweig

Tel.: (+49) (0)531 596 5515
Fax: (+49) (0)531 596 5599
E-mail: andreas.laggner at fal.de
Homepage: http://www.lr.fal.de/ 

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