[postgis-users] Fire station

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Mon Aug 27 07:48:53 PDT 2007

I think David Techer posted an excellent PgRouting tutorial way back.
Not sure if you would find it useful.  Its in French
Google translated to English.
I haven't tried PgRouting myself so really can't speak much about its
Hope that helps,


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Milo
van der Linden
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 9:49 AM
Cc: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Fire station

Hello Ravi!

Thank you for the response. I used to use rwnet from www.routeware.dk, a
very good commercial routing module for windows. 

But I also found pgRouting (openSource and part of OpenLBS) available
for postGIS at http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/
it has the ability to do drive-time analyses which can then be
transformed to cartographic representation on maps. 
I think this module will be very good for you, especially because it
will give you a good insight on the data model needed to do this routing
so you can prepare a dataset for testing.

I am trying this routing module out and will post some samples on my
test website soon.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance!

RAVI KUMAR schreef: 

	Quite encouraging, and let me know about the routing
	Ravi Kumar
	Milo van der Linden <mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
<mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>  wrote: 

		Hello Ravi,
		I am specialized in this matter. I have developed a
system to do all
		kind of firebrigade calculations:
		- Area of coverage determined by matching drive times
from all the stations:
		- Determination of best location for new firestation
(dark blue area
		being the best suitable location):
		And more. In order to do good, realistic modeling for
firebrigades you
		need datasets that have:
		- firestation locations
		- vehicle types and vehicle start locations
		- target locations
		- General description on basic firebrigade SLA (minimal
requested time
		of arrival)
		- SLA matched to individual buildings or area's
		- target location fire-vehicle needs (for instance with
or without ladder)
		- Dispatch time (time needed between the emergency
number accepting a
		call and dispatching a vehicle)
		- Response time (time it takes the crew to get equiped
and in the vehicle)
		And most important of all:
		- A road network that is fine-tuned for fire-vehicles
(bridges that
		can't be crossed, special thru-ways, and so on)
		If you got all this data in place, you need a routing
module and prepare
		all kind of extra calculations.
		Please let me know if I can help you any further.
		RAVI KUMAR schreef:
		> Hi,
		> planning to locate fire stations in an urban area.
		> 1. Each fire station will have to cover 10 km from its
		> 2. Other fire stations to be placed to reduce
duplication and the
		> entire town is
		> within -10km- for an emergency call.
		> Please suggest 'postgis query', on a line network of
roads for the town.
		> Cheers
		> Ravi Kumar
		> Building a website is a piece of cake.
		> Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get
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	Milo van der Linden 
skype: milovanderlinden <skype:milovanderlinden?add> 
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
milovanderlinden at gmail.com
milo at 3dsite.nl

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