[postgis-users] No Space left on device.

Chander Ganesan chander at otg-nc.com
Tue Dec 18 04:46:22 PST 2007

Richard Heimann [C] wrote:
>  Question:
> I have two development boxes both running PostgreSQL/PostGIS. On 
> set-up several months ago and the other today, the former has already 
> had data loaded. I could fairly easily move the Shapefile from one box 
> to the other and then load but I know in SQL Server I could connect to 
> the other box and either use the data or move it to the new database. 
> Therefore, my question is does PostgreSQL offer similar functionality? 
> In other words, can you connect to other PostgreSQL machines? I feel 
> like Ive seen this via the command-line (pgsql) but not phAdmin. In 
> either case Im looking for help and confirmation. This more then just 
> academically interesting and could save a great deal of time. Thanks 
> in advance.
Yes, you can.  However, in order to do this there are a few 
pre-requisites you'll need to set up:

1.  You need to change your postgresql.conf file so that PostgreSQL is 
listening for connections on the network (along with adding any firewall 
rules required so that this can occur).
2.  You'll need to modify the pg_hba.conf file so that connections and 
authentication are allowed over the network.
3.  You'll need to make sure that a user (with a password) is defined.  
The postgres user (by default) has no password, so it can only connect 
via the "trust" authentication mechanism...which is very insecure in 
general, and worse over the network.

Once these steps are complete, you can use the psql command to connect 
over the network.

It sounds like a lot of the issues you are having are admin 
related...you might benefit from our PostgreSQL admin course 
... it covers a lot of the topics you've been asking about.

On a side note, it's best to send a "fresh" email to the list for a new 
topic (as opposed to using 'reply' to post a question).  when you use 
reply, many mailreaders will recognize that you are "replying" to an 
existing thread and will not show your post as a "new" question (rather, 
it will look like part of an old question..that many people might ignore).

Have a good holiday!


Chander Ganesan
The Open Technology Group
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

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