[postgis-users] Dump, Restore and Users

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at grid.unep.ch
Tue Feb 6 06:18:09 PST 2007

> 	su - postgres
> 	psql -d postgis
> Alternatively you can set the PGUSER environment variable to the  
> name of
> your database superuser before executing the postgis_restore.pl  
> script.

Ok, sometimes a bit confusing... UNIX user, Postgres...

Finally, yes, it did import my file (I had to change the read  
properties of the sql file too).

But although it imports the sql fil, it does not import the Postgis  

The reasons seems to be this here:

CREATE TABLE admin01 (
     gid serial NOT NULL,
     cntry_name character varying(42),
     cntry_code character varying(13),
     name character varying(37),
     adm1_code character varying(12),
     country_id bigint,
     the_geom postgis.geometry,
     CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK ((postgis.ndims(the_geom)  
= 2)),
     CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (((postgis.geometrytype 
(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))),
     CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK ((postgis.srid(the_geom)  
= 4326))
ERROR:  type "postgis.geometry" does not exist

Actually, the table is geometry_columns....

But I haven't changed anything.... So, did this perhaps change  
between Postgis 1.x and 2.x? Or has the message below something to do  
with it?


SQLFUNC: st_buffer(geometry, double precision)
SQLFUNC: st_convexhull(geometry)
SQLFUNC: se_locatealong(geometry, double precision)
SQLFUNC: se_locatebetween(geometry, double precision, double precision)
Scanning /Users/Shared/pgdump_local_geodataportal_2007-02-06b.sql list
SKIPPING PGIS FUNC box2d_in(cstring)
SKIPPING PGIS FUNC box2d_out(box2d)
SKIPPING PGIS FUNC box3d_in(cstring)
SKIPPING PGIS FUNC box3d_out(box3d)

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