[postgis-users] Need help to load data in PostGIS

Steven De Vriendt gisaalter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 07:28:52 PST 2007


A little while back someone posted this on the PostGIS mailing list:

Hello All,

two new graphical interfaces for the shp2pgsql and pgsql2shp tools
are available under the terms of the GPL:


The interfaces are built using the GTK+ and thus cross-platform.

Windows installers are available. When installing on Windows, make
sure that you install the GTK+ runtime environment first:


Gshp2pgsql allows to specify pre- and post-load SQL script. A pre-load
script can be used e.g. to drop views that are dependent on the loaded table
if the table needs to be recreated and the post-load script can recreate
these views.



I'haven't used it but it seems like something you can use

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