[postgis-users] Polygonize from a set of linestring
luca marletta
lucamarle at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 14:38:13 PST 2007
Hi List,
I'm new in postgis functions but I'd like to test it for solving an issue.
I have a big reticule of LINESTRINGS that cross each other. Tehy are
not boundaries but just collections of line quite randomly set.
I need to create a polygon for each area closed that the collections
of linestrings develop.
I tryed already to polygonize but with poor results and not at all understood.
SELECT dump.path, dump.geom
FROM dump(( SELECT polygonize(catasto_linee.the_geom) AS polygonize
FROM catasto_linee
WHERE catasto_linee.layer::text <> '1'::text)) dump(path, geom);
the above produce 2 polygon from 2000 possible. I really don't get the
reason and the rule
can someone help me please on this topic?
luca marletta
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