[postgis-users] How to insert the geometry field of a record with trigger and function
Veronique Chaffard
Veronique.Chaffard at hmg.inpg.fr
Fri Jan 26 00:46:11 PST 2007
Thanks you for your response; That's what I want to do.
Otto Laurila a écrit :
> Hi,
> If the idea was to create the geometry field when the LONG and LAT
> fields are inserted here's a trigger I once did for this kind of task.
> It updates the geometry field when long and lat are changed. It also
> updates long and lat if the geometry is modified.
> In the example the coordinates are x and y and the geometry field is
> the_geom. Replace these and the database name (hki_pois in the
> example). I found this from my old files and are not sure if it works
> but it should give you an idea how it's done.
> CREATE FUNCTION update_geom() RETURNS trigger AS $update_geom$
> geom varchar;
> x_coord float;
> y_coord float;
> EXECUTE 'SELECT GeomFromText(\'POINT(' || NEW.x || ' ' ||
> NEW.y || ')\')' INTO geom;
> IF (NEW.x <> OLD.x OR NEW.y <> OLD.y) THEN
> NEW.the_geom:= geom;
> ELSEIF (NEW.the_geom <> geom) THEN
> SELECT INTO x_coord X(NEW.the_geom);
> SELECT INTO y_coord Y(NEW.the_geom);
> NEW.x = x_coord;
> NEW.y = y_coord;
> END;
> $update_geom$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_geom();
> --
> Otto
> On 1/24/07, * Mark Cave-Ayland* <mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk
> <mailto:mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk>> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 12:40 +0100, Veronique Chaffard wrote:
> > I would like to insert the geometry field of a record by using a
> trigger
> > and a fonction, after the insertion of the other fields;The X and Y
> > coordinates are saved into 2 fields: LAT and LONG. The geometry
> field
> > type is a point.
> >
> > My table is declared as:
> > ID serial not null,
> > NOM VARCHAR(50) not null,
> > LONG FLOAT8 not null,
> > LAT FLOAT8 not null,
> > constraint PK_TEST primary key (ID)
> > );
> > SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','test','geom','-1','POINT',2);
> >
> > Could you help me ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> Hi Veronique,
> You don't need to store latitude and longitude as separate fields as
> they are automatically stored as part of the geometry. So you can
> create
> your table and insert fields like this:
> ID serial not null,
> NOM VARCHAR(50) not null
> constraint PK_TEST primary key (ID)
> );
> SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','test','geom','-1','POINT',2);
> INSERT INTO test (nom, geom) VALUES ('test1', MakePoint(LONG1, LAT1));
> INSERT INTO test (nom, geom) VALUES ('test2', MakePoint(LONG2, LAT2));
> INSERT INTO test (nom, geom) VALUES ('test3', MakePoint(LONG3,
> LAT3));
> You can view the complete table like this:
> SELECT AsText(geom) FROM test;
> And you can extract the latitude and longitude as separate fields for
> your application like this:
> SELECT id, nom, X(geom) AS long, Y(geom) AS lat FROM test;
> Finally, I would also recommend that if you are new to
> PostgreSQL/PostGIS that you keep all table and column names in lower
> case, since PostgreSQL quoting is slightly different than you may
> expect.
> Kind regards,
> Mark.
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Véronique Chaffard
BP 53
38 041 Grenoble Cedex 09
Tel : +33 (0)4 76 82 50 94
Email : veronique.chaffard at hmg.inpg.fr
<mailto:veronique.chaffard at hmg.inpg.fr>
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