[postgis-users] How to implement a GUID

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Tue Jul 24 08:55:12 PDT 2007


Mark, for me, this is the WINNER SOLUTION!  This is the correct way to
do it in my particular situation; respect!

Only one more hurdle left: I am doing the insert from php with
variables. what would be the best way to go; store this in a function
whit the right variables in place?

Or is there a way to control the BEGIN; COMMIT; loop from within php?

I will look in the php and postGress wiki's and documentation. When I
find the answer myself, I will post it.

Mark Cave-Ayland schreef:
> On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 15:52 +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:
>> This is a suggestion and it leads in the right direction but...
>> My temp_table contains more than one record..
>> This would make retrieving currval useless. It would be better if
>> there was a way to get the id's of records that are changed during the
>> last insert.
>> I am trying to prevent looping records in the temp_table because then
>> I would end up looping like this
>> DO UNTIL NO_MORE_RECORDS in temp_table
>> 	INSERT INTO t1 SELECT the_geom FROM geom_temp_table where id = MIN(id);
>> 	INSERT INTO t2 (id, field) SELECT currval('seq1'), myattribute FROM
>> 	geom_temp_table;
>> 	DELETE FROM temp_table where id=MIN(id);
>> but If that is the only solution please let me know.
> Sure. You can always generate a temporary table containing all the new
> ids and then join back onto it as part of a SELECT like this:
>         id int8 default nextval('seq1'),
>         the_geom geometry
> );
>         id int8,
>         field varchar
> );
> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE lookup AS SELECT id, nextval('seq1') AS newid
> FROM geom_temp_table;
> INSERT INTO t1 (id, the_geom) SELECT s2.newid, s1.the_geom FROM
> geom_temp_table AS s1, lookup AS s2 WHERE s2.id = s1.id;
> INSERT INTO t2 (id, field) SELECT s2.newid, s1.myattribute FROM
> geom_temp_table AS s1, lookup AS s2 WHERE s2.id = s1.id;
> DROP TABLE lookup;
> Note that you can DROP the temporary table explicity or it will
> automatically be removed when you disconnect from the server. Also
> remember that if more than one person is running this at the same time,
> you'll need to append some form of random session id onto the lookup
> table name, otherwise things will break very quickly.
> HTH,
> Mark.



Milo van der Linden
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>


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