[postgis-users] PostGIS and Hibernate

Thorsten Kraus Thorsten.Kraus at ptv.de
Thu Jul 26 23:58:52 PDT 2007

Hi all,

currently I am working for a project which uses PostGIS to store spatial objects in the backend of an web application (Tomcat is used as servlet container). Some time ago I searched the web for Hibernate support for PostGIS database and its geographical objects, but found nothing suitable. So I use Hibernate for non geographical attribute data and wrote some JDBC code for accessing the geographical objects in PostGIS. This hybrid structure of Hibernate and JDBC works fine, but it would even be nicer and more flexible if there was a possibility to handle all the database stuff with Hibernate.
Can you tell me if there is Hibernate support for PostGIS meanwhile? If yes, a piece of code or a link to a tutorial would be pleasant.

Kind regards,
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