[postgis-users] Problems with MakePoint

Gustavo Ces g.ces at pettra.es
Mon Jun 4 03:41:57 PDT 2007

Hi all,

    i´m trying to makepoints from coordinate data ( x and y column) in one table( montouto2000). This is what i do..

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('public', 'montouto2000', 'the_geom', 23029, 'POINT', 2)
update montouto2000 set the_geom=MakePoint(x,y)

and Postgis says...

ERROR: new row for relation "montouto2000" violates check constraint "enforce_srid_the_geom"
Estado SQL:23514

I´ve got two questions:
1. What is the column dimension? i try to set it as 0 (poinst are  no dimension geometries) but it says there´s a problem with the dim constraint, so i supose dimesion=number of coordinates? I don´t know, please, help.
2. What happens with SRID? why does PostGis Scream?

Thanks in advance,


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