[postgis-users] Problems with making own shape dumper
Дорофеев А.В.
Megadrofan at yandex.ru
Thu Jun 14 13:34:23 PDT 2007
Hello everybody :) I`m trying to make ArcGis connector to PostGIS
with multiuser editing ability.The main idea that PostGis layer is
dumped into shapefile and i handle all changes made by user and when user
saves edits I overwrite(or delete/create) features that has been changed at
this edits session by current user. All is amostly perfect but I`ve met
some serious problems with dumper. At first I wanted to create own
but I met issue with ASTEXT() function that returned a broken string in some
multipolygons. I can`t understand where is a bug .ASTEXT(the_geom) returned
normal string. But when I`m trying to set this value to some field or
dump it into some variable ,the string became broken.
The dicussion of this bug
Then I decided to use standart pgsql2shp to dump shapefile, but i`ve noticed
strange percularity that the size of text fields equal to max sizeof values
in this field so if where is no values in the field it`s size is 1. I decided
to fix this and recompile pgsql2shp. I found changed string field size
here(in pgsql2shp.c)
//str 772
if ( (type == 1042 || type == 1043) && mod != -1 )
size = mod-4; /* 4 is header size */
size = getMaxFieldSize(conn, schema,
table, fname);
if ( size == -1 ) return 0;
if ( ! size ) size = 32;
/* might 0 be a good size ? */
if ( size > MAX_DBF_FIELD_SIZE )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: values of field '%s' "
"exceeding maximum dbf field width (%d) "
"will be truncated.\n",
/*printf( "FIELD_NAME: %s, SIZE: %d\n", field_name, size); */
/* generic type (use string representation) */
if(DBFAddField(dbf, field_name, FTString, size, 0) == -1) --here i changed
size to 255
fprintf(stderr, "Error - String field could not "
"be created.\n");
return 0;
//str 807
but nothing changed.Fields size=max size of is value
Dear Users and Developers I want to ask You
"What am I doing wrong in pgsql2shp?"
"What is the reason of ASTEXT() function issue? and what to do to fix it?"
"Is there any method to get feature coords without ASTEXT() function?"
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