[postgis-users] A function for using PL/R with deldir to produce voronoi polygons in PostGIS

Mike Leahy mgleahy at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 19 13:27:45 PDT 2007


Attached is a PL/R-based function that I put together based on Jan
Hartmann's help in the PotGIS list about a year ago for generating
voronoi polygons using the deldir library.  Now that I've started with
PL/R, I was able capture this in a single function that will take in the
points from a table or query, produce the voronoi polygons, and return a
list of the polygon geometries along with the id's of their originating

I'm not sure if the approach I used in this example is ideal; it hasn't
been tested on large datasets yet, and I'm sure someone can probably
find a different way to do this (there is also the tripack library in R,
which I haven't tried yet). However, it seems to work fine from what I
can tell.  I just thought this might serve as an example of how PL/R can
be handy alongside PostGIS.


P.S.: I did notice the same problem as Regina - once I started trying to
execute this script directly from the text file, I had to make sure it
was in UNIX format for PL/R to parse it properly...even though
everything I'm doing is on Windows at the moment.
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