[postgis-users] spatial_ref_sys entry from .prj file?

Erich Schroeder erich at museum.state.il.us
Wed Jun 20 14:30:21 PDT 2007

Thank you Frank W. for the pointer to ogr2ogr, I should have thought of 
it, and I'm reading up on that now.

Thank you Paul R. for the guess. I believe that it matches a guess I made. 
I wish I could make it to FOSS4G and take your intro class again. I need 

Thank you to both of you for saying that it can be tricky. I'm glad to 
hear it because I've been bumping up against this for a very long time, 
and I was afraid I was becoming lame in my nerd abilities.

I'll report back, and/or ask more as I work through it.


Erich Schroeder                    Phone: (217)785-0033
Curator, Learning Center           FAX:   (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab      email:erich(at)illinois.state.museum
http://www.museum.state.il.us/     Linux user #18660

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