[postgis-users] ogr2ogr S57 question

Kurt Schwehr schwehr at ccom.unh.edu
Sun Jun 24 09:34:58 PDT 2007

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with a NOAA electronic chart that I am trying to  
put into postgres without success.  I don't seem to be able to access  
the tables.


Here is what I am doing an the error that I am getting... using Mac  
OSX 10.4.10 with fink

i   postgis82            1.2.1-1024      PostgreSQL geographic object  
i   postgresql82         8.2.4-1021      PostgreSQL open-source database
i   postgresql82-dev     8.2.4-1021      PostgreSQL development  
headers and libraries
i   postgresql82-shlibs  8.2.4-1021      PostgreSQL shared libraries

createdb s57
sudo -u postgres /sw/bin/psql-8.2 -f /sw/share/doc/postgis82/ 
lwpostgis.sql -d s57
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PGL:dbname=s57 US5NH02M.000

psql -l
         List of databases
    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
ais       | postgres | SQL_ASCII
postgres  | postgres | SQL_ASCII
s57       | schwehr  | SQL_ASCII
template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII

psql s57
# Paste in the create command from pgadmin
ERROR:  relation "FAIRWY" already exists
# Okay... so it looks like it is there until I try to select anything  
from it...
ERROR:  relation "fairwy" does not exist

What am I doing wrong?


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