[postgis-users] Problem with overlay

Jonathan Aguero jua130 at psu.edu
Sat Jun 30 11:05:27 PDT 2007


I got a multilinestringM shape that I loaded into postgis without problem
(LRS). Then I used the linear referencing functions to create the segments
and curves tables from the tables (BTW, these linear referencing functions
rock!!!!). Now, my problem is that when I tried to join the information on
curves into the segments table using the overlay function, it failed to
detect several curves. Note that both geometries (segments and curves) are
generated from the same base lines (LRS), therefore all curves should
overlay one or more segments. I am guessing I encountered a precision
problem on GEOS but I wonder whether my guess is correct and if there is any
solution (maybe snaptogrid).  

Thanks in Advance for your help


OS: Windows XP

PGSQL: PostgreSQL 8.2.3 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC)
3.4.2 (mingw-special)

Postgis: 1.2

GEOS: 3.0.0rc4-CAPI-1.3.3



Jonathan Aguero Valverde

Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate

Pennsylvania State University

The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute

201 Transportation Research Building

University Park, PA 16802



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