[postgis-users] How to add circle to Postgis database?

Bruce Rindahl rindahl at lrcwe.com
Thu Mar 8 11:29:47 PST 2007

Ellipses can be made directly using Affine transformations.  The idea is to
create a circle (buffer), distort along the x & y axis (scale), rotate to
the correct angle and then transform to the final location.


To mimic your parameters an ellipse is




Note the buffer function has an optional parameter that defines the number
of line segments for a quarter circle (thus the slices/4 - the default is 8)

You can also rotate the ellipse thru an angle alpha (radians).


The above should be much faster.


Bruce Rindahl



From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of marco
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 5:54 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] How to add circle to Postgis database?


I wrote this function to draw ellipses (or circles) in PG.
Feel free to make changes and send to the list.

cx,cy: Center of ellipse
a: major semi-axis
b: minor semi-axis
slices: number of vertices of polygon that define the ellipse. As big as
this value smoothed is the curve. 

-- Function: make_ellipse(cx float8, cy float8, a float8, b float8, slices

-- DROP FUNCTION make_ellipse(cx float8, cy float8, a float8, b float8,
slices float8);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION make_ellipse(cx float8, cy float8, a float8, b
float8, slices float8) 
  RETURNS geometry AS
    cx alias for $1;
    cy alias for $2;
    a alias for $3;
    b alias for $4;
    slices alias for $5;
    i float;
    geom geometry;
    i := 0.0;
    execute 'create table tempo(ii float,the_geom geometry) with oids;';
    WHILE i < 2.0*pi() LOOP
    execute 'insert into tempo select
    i := i+2.0*pi()/slices;
    execute 'select setsrid(makepolygon(makeline(the_geom)),4170) from
tempo;' into geom;
    execute 'drop table tempo;';
    return geom;
ALTER FUNCTION make_ellipse(cx float8, cy float8, a float8, b float8, slices
float8) OWNER TO marco;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION make_ellipse(cx float8, cy float8, a float8, b
float8, slices float8) TO public; 

2007/3/7, Brent Wood <pcreso at pcreso.com>:

OK, I've trimmed all the other content, but my request is slightly off the

Does anyone have any comments/advice on what I am doing in this subject
The discusison so far suggests I could usefully learm something here :-) 

So far I've used a local custom equal area projection (Albers EA from
memory) I
created for my purposes.

I was looking at the recorded start positions for fishing trawls along with
distance towed and gear width to derive an estimated swept area held as a 
circle centred on the start point. As I want the circles to represent a
comparable area whether they at lat 20S or 60S, I used an equal area
to create them.

Mu limited understanding was that despite the circles being defined by a 
radius, an equal area was better than equidistant for this.

I'm storing them as lat/long (EPSG:4326 projection with longs 0-360 as they
cross the 180 meridian... sigh...). In this projection the circles display
ellipses, exactly as they should, but this does confuse some around here :-)

Is there a better way to achieve this?


postgis-users mailing list 
postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net

Marco Vieira
+55 21 9499-6800
e-mail: maovieira at gmail.com 

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