[postgis-users] ESRI Shapes from database

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed Oct 17 05:41:42 PDT 2007

Just wondering what your example bytea looks like that you are trying to
convert that is giving you problems.  Normally I would think what you
are doing below should work (and I have tried some simple examples and
they work - but I don't work with bytea so what do I know.)  
So perhaps whatever your bytea is returning is out of range of float and
is not actually what you think it is like you have a terminator byte in
there or something causing the problems.
Other thought is if you could get the string representation of your
xcoord without casting to float,  since in the next line your float is
going to be internally recast as a string to do this  sb := sb || '(' ||
xCoord || ' ' || yCoord; 
Hope that helps,


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Lee
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:49 AM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] ESRI Shapes from database

I am trying to get ESRI multipolygon shapes into PostGIS without going
to a shape file first.  I have several reasons that I can't go to shape
files first, but I have the shape data in a Sql Server 2000 database.  I
was parsing the ESRI shape in C# code and then pushing the string to the
database.  The problem that I am having doing this is that I get an 'Out
of memory' error on the string for the text of some of my shapes.  I
have traced that down to a limit by MS on the size of a string and the
size of stringbuilder (2GB).  (FYI my machine has 8GB, so it is not my
machine that was running out of memory.)  So, my next thought was a
stored procedure where I just passed the binary in and parsed it on the
server.  I have listed the stored procedure that I am using to convert
the ESRI shape into a WKT so that I can then convert to WKB.  My problem
is that I can find a way to convert parts of a bytea into a float.

My function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION esribytea2text(bytea)




        esri_shape alias for $1;


        xCoord numeric;

        yCoord numeric;

        num_parts int;

        num_points int ;

        first_pt_idx int ;

        next_pt_idx int := 0 ;

        idx int := 48;

        pt_idx int ;


        first_pt varchar;

        sb text ;

        isFirstPt bool := true ;


        num_parts := get_byte(esri_shape::bytea, 36)::int ;

        num_points := get_byte(esri_shape::bytea, 40)::int ;

        first_pt_idx := 44 + (4 * num_parts) ;

        pt_idx := get_byte(esri_shape::bytea, idx)::int ;

        FOR cnt IN first_pt_idx..length(esri_shape)-16 BY 16 LOOP

                --xCoord := decode(substring(esri_shape from cnt for 8),
float);                --PROBLEM

                xCoord := (select
encode(esri_shape::bytea,'hex')::float);              --PROBLEM

                yCoord := get_byte(esri_shape, cnt + 8)::float;


                insert into tempdata(func, txtdata)
values('esribytea2text:x', xCoord);

                insert into tempdata(func, txtdata)
values('esribytea2text:y', yCoord);

                IF char_length(sb) = 0 THEN

                        sb := sb || '(' || xCoord || ' ' || yCoord;


                        IF isFirstPt THEN

                                sb := sb || ', (' || xCoord || ' ' ||


                                sb := sb || ', ' || xCoord || ' ' ||

                        END IF;

                END IF;

                IF isFirstPt THEN

                        isFirstPt := false ;

                        first_pt :=  xCoord || ' ' || yCoord; 

                END IF;

                IF (num_parts > 1 AND pt_idx = next_pt_idx AND idx <
first_pt_idx) THEN

                        IF (char_length(sb)>0 AND
char_length(first_pt)>0) THEN

                                sb := sb || ', ' + first_pt + ')';

                                isFirstPt := true ;

                        END IF;

                        idx := idx + 4 ;

                        pt_idx := get_byte(esri_shape::bytea, idx)::int

                END IF;

                next_pt_idx := next_pt_idx + 1 ;

        END LOOP;

        IF (char_length(sb)>0 AND char_length(first_pt)>0) THEN

                sb := sb || ', ' || first_pt || ')';

                isFirstPt := true ;

        END IF;

        insert into tempdata(func, txtdata) values('esribytea2text',

        return 'MULTIPOLYGON((' || sb || '))';




ALTER FUNCTION esribytea2text(bytea) OWNER TO postgres;

The lines that are marked with '--PROBLEM' are where my problem exists.
What I am trying to do here is take 8 bytes from the bytea and cast them
to a float.  The errors that I am getting are:

xCoord := substring(arrByte from cnt for 8)::float8;


ERROR: 42846: cannot cast type bytea to double precision


xCoord := (select encode(esri_shape::bytea,'escape')::float)


invalid input syntax for type double precision


yCoord := get_byte(esri_shape, cnt + 8)::float;


It only returns the single byte (as I would expect), not all 8 bytes for
the float

The table 'tempdata' is just a table used for dumping results (Schema
Below).  The reason that I had to do this was because I was using
get_byte and thought it was working, but it really wasn't.  



  id serial NOT NULL,

  func text,

  txtdata text



ALTER TABLE tempdata OWNER TO postgres;

I am very close to getting this working but have run into this last road
block.  I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide as I do have
a client waiting on a solution.

Thanks in advance,
Lee Keel

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