[postgis-users] noding problem
Chris Hermansen
chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
Wed Oct 24 14:55:59 PDT 2007
Kevin makes some suggestions as to why I have empty geometry collections
and what is the quickest way to get rid of them. Based on his advice, I
thought I'd report some potentially useful info back to the list.
I have 11,228 polygons in "fc" and 4553 polygons in "results". I have a
late-model Core2 Duo based Dell running Ubuntu 7.04. This is
postgis1.3.1 and geos3.0.0RC4.
I have three test versions of a select statement that delivers the
intersection of "fc" and "results":
1. create temp table step1a as
as the_geom
from fc,results
where fc.the_geom && results.the_geom;
which takes 28.113 seconds on my machine
2. create temp table step1a as
as the_geom
from fc,results
where fc.the_geom && results.the_geom
and st_distance(fc.the_geom,results.the_geom) = 0.0;
which takes 4 minutes 5.903 seconds on my machine
3. create temp table step1a as
as the_geom
from fc,results
where st_intersects(fc.the_geom,results.the_geom);
which takes 26.203 seconds on my machine
Versions 2 and 3 both eliminate the empty geometry collections.
Kevin mentions (see below) that version 2 might be the fastest, but at
least in my case it is in fact the slowest of the bunch.
I hope the list readers find this useful!
Kevin, thanks a bunch for getting me on the right track!!!
Kevin Neufeld wrote:
> Chris Hermansen wrote:
>> ...
>> If I execute:
>> select geometryType(st_intersection(pblk.geom,pvri.geom))
>> from pblk,pvri
>> where pblk.geom && pvri.geom;
>> I get something quite different than what I expect. I expect to get
>> polygons, and sometimes multipolygons - which I assume arise when the
>> intersection process splits up polygons into several constituent parts.
>> But I also get a bunch of geometrycollections. And these
>> geometrycollections are apparently empty, for example, the first few
>> lines of output from the above select:
>> numgeometries | geometrytype ---------------+--------------------
>> Are these supposed to be there? What conceivable purpose could they
>> serve?
> Hi Chris,
> Consider the cases where geometry bounding boxes intersect but the
> geometries do not. In these cases, the intersection will be empty.
> You probably want to add an additional filter to your query. "WHERE
> pblk.geom && pvri.geom AND distance(pblk.geom, pvri.geom) = 0". (You
> could alternatively use intersects(geometry, geoemetry), but
> distance==0 is faster).
> Does this help?
> -- Kevin
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Chris Hermansen · mailto:clh at timberline.ca
tel:+1.604.714.2878 · fax:+1.604.733.0631
Timberline Natural Resource Group · http://www.timberline.ca
401 · 958 West 8th Avenue · Vancouver BC · Canada · V5Z 1E5
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