[postgis-users] Geometry column does not exist?
SAIG - Listas
listas at saig.es
Fri Aug 8 02:45:13 PDT 2008
Good morning Mark.
Try to put the Location column name between "" as the next:
insert into BathingArea (ID, Name, "Location")
values ('Bathingarea_A', 'Bathing area A', GeomFromText('POLYGON((0.0
10.0,8.66 -5.0, -8.66 -5.0,0.0 10.0))',4326));
When you added the geometry column you indicated that the location
column must be Location, with the l in uppercase. You must use then
"Location" to refer to this column in your queries.
Hope this helps,
Mark Lidstone escribió:
> Hi all,
> I've just spent about an hour looking for some help on this problem, but
> I can't find anything useful. Hopefully, someone on here might be able
> to help?
> I'm trying to create a simple table with geographic content, so I'm
> doing the following:
> create table BathingArea (ID varchar(30) not null primary key, Name
> varchar(256) not null);
> select AddGeometryColumn('bathingarea','Location',4326,'POLYGON',2);
> Everything works fine and "select * from bathingarea;" shows the
> Location field (albeit with no rows in the table) and "select * from
> geometry_columns;" shows an entry pointing at the new column.
> Next I try to populate the table with a sample record:
> insert into BathingArea (ID, Name, Location)
> values ('Bathingarea_A', 'Bathing area A', GeomFromText('POLYGON((0.0
> 10.0,8.66 -5.0, -8.66 -5.0,0.0 10.0))',4326));
> But I get the following error:
> ERROR: column "location" of relation "bathingarea" does not exist.
> I'm running on PostgreSQL 8.3.3 with PostGIS 1.3.3 under Windows.
> Could someone please tell me how stupid I'm being and how to get this
> working?
> Many thanks,
> Mark Lidstone
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Sergio Baños Calvo
Jefe de desarrollos
Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica, S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
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