[postgis-users] Memory problem with ST_Within
Birgit Laggner
birgit.laggner at vti.bund.de
Tue Aug 26 00:51:41 PDT 2008
Thanks to everybody who tried to help me solving this problem!!
Meanwhile, we (actually, it was our admin :-) ) made it by programming a
loop in plpsql as a postgresql function. With the loop, the query ran
overnight without problems and my select result is exactly as I wanted
it to be.
Burgholzer,Robert schrieb:
> Birgit,
> My guess is that the part of the query that is causing the memory dump
> is not the GIST index, but rather the within query, which must iterate
> through all of your points.
> That said, if you wish to determine if the GIST index is causing
> problems, you could do the && in a separate query, store the results,
> along with ID columns to map your results in a temp table, and then do
> the standard "within" query (not "st_within" which forces the index
> usage) on this subset of records whose bounding boxes overlap.
> I suspect that you will still find the memory dump problems.
> One other approach that you could use, to winnow down the field of
> candidates, is to add a second geometry field to your polygon table, and
> place a simplified version of the geometries in there (using
> simplify(geomcol, tolerance). Some times, the geometries can be
> simplified without losing any relevant spatial information. My
> experience is that the greatest way to reduce query intensity, and
> improve speed as well as eliminate memory trouble is to reduce the
> number of points that you are analyzing.
> r.b.
> Robert W. Burgholzer
> Surface Water Modeler
> Office of Water Supply and Planning
> Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
> rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov
> 804-698-4405
> Open Source Modeling Tools:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/npsource/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> Birgit Laggner
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 6:34 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Memory problem with ST_Within
> Frank Koormann schrieb:
>> * Birgit Laggner <birgit.laggner at vti.bund.de> [080821 09:59]:
>>> Hallo Regina, hallo Frank,
>>> thanks for your suggestions!
>>> Leaving out the_geom didn't solve the problem - I still ran out of
> memory.
>>> I attached my postgresql.conf settings and the result of the EXPLAIN
>>> ANALYSE SELECT to this e-mail.
>> Hm, the explain analyse finishes successfully. Explain analyse
> actually
>> execute the query (in your case in 675 milliseconds), so the problem
> seems
>> to be returning the results to pgAdmin, assuming that the queries run
> on
>> the same data set.
>> Your memory related settings are already significantly increased.
>> Without knowledge about your system if too high.
>> Other points:
>> - What is the full error message?
>> - Do you have more success when using psql instead of pgAdmin?
>> Regards,
>> Frank
> Hallo Frank,
> this is actually a misunderstanding: of course, the Explain analyse did
> not run on the full dataset either, therefore I started the Explain
> analyse for my test dataset, which I used to test if my query is working
> at all.
> The full error message is:
> ERROR: Memory exhausted
> SQL Status:53200
> Detail: Failed on request of size 32.
> I'm still testing if psql is more successful then pgAdmin. Results
> tomorrow...
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Birgit.
> Mark Cave-Ayland schrieb:
>> Hi Birgit,
>> If PostgreSQL stops due to lack of memory, it generally dumps
>> information about memory usage into the server log file before it
>> terminates. Can you see any such information in your PostgreSQL log
>> file? If so, posting it here would help greatly, along with the output
>> of "SELECT postgis_full_version()".
>> ATB,
>> Mark.
> Hallo Mark,
> this is my postgis version:
> "POSTGIS="1.3.3" GEOS="3.0.0-CAPI-1.4.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.0, 21 Dec 2007"
> The memory usage information of the PostgreSQL log file, I attached to
> the e-mail (pg.log).
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Birgit.
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Dipl.-Geoökol. Birgit Laggner
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut,
Bundesinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei
Institut für Ländliche Räume
Bundesallee 50
38116 Braunschweig
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute
Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Institute of Rural Areas
Bundesallee 50
D-38116 Braunschweig
Tel.: (0531) 596 - 5240
Fax: (0531) 596 - 5599
E-Mail: birgit.laggner at vti.bund.de
Internet: www.vti.bund.de
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