[postgis-users] Fucntion that find if the x, y, z for any points in the table are the same

eehab hamzeh eehab40 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 26 12:22:01 PDT 2008

Hello, I have the following function which check if two (or more) points are one, the function just consider the x,y coordinates. can any body help me to modify it to check z-index also.  Thanks Ihab below is the function -- Function: assign_vertex_id(character varying, double precision, character varying, character varying) -- DROP FUNCTION assign_vertex_id(character varying, double precision, character varying, character varying); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION assign_vertex_id(geom_table character varying, tolerance double precision, geo_cname character varying, gid_cname character varying) RETURNS character varying AS $BODY$ DECLARE points record; i record; source_id int; target_id int; pre varchar; post varchar; BEGIN BEGIN DROP TABLE vertices_tmp; EXCEPTION WHEN UNDEFINED_TABLE THEN END; CREATE TABLE vertices_tmp ( id serial ); EXECUTE $q$ SELECT addGeometryColumn('vertices_tmp', 'the_geom', (SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name='$q$ quote_ident(geom_table) $q$') , 'POINT', 4) $q$; CREATE INDEX vertices_tmp_idx ON vertices_tmp USING GIST (the_geom); pre = ; post = ; FOR i in EXECUTE 'SELECT count(*) as t from ' quote_ident(geom_table) ' WHERE NumGeometries??(' quote_ident(geo_cname) ') is not null' loop IF (i.t > 0) THEN pre = 'geometryN('; post = ' , 1)'; END IF; END LOOP; FOR points IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' quote_ident(gid_cname) ' AS id,' ' startPoint(' pre quote_ident(geo_cname) post ') AS source,' ' endPoint(' pre quote_ident(geo_cname) post ') as target' ' FROM ' quote_ident(geom_table) loop source_id := point_to_id(points.source, tolerance); target_id := point_to_id(points.target, tolerance); EXECUTE 'update ' quote_ident(geom_table) ' SET source_id = ' source_id ', target_id = ' target_id ' WHERE ' quote_ident(gid_cname) ' = ' points.id; END LOOP; RETURN 'OK'; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE STRICT COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION assign_vertex_id(character varying, double precision, character varying, character varying) OWNER TO postgres; 

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