[postgis-users] st_distance_sphere

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Jan 15 12:43:28 PST 2008

Both st_distance_sphere(geometry,geometry) and distance_sphere(geometry, 
geometry) currently exist in PostGIS.

They both call the same C function LWGEOM_distance_sphere.

postgis=# \df+ st_distance_sphere
                                                         List of functions
 Schema |        Name        | Result data type | Argument data types |  
Owner   | Language |      Source code       | Description
 public | st_distance_sphere | double precision | geometry, geometry  | 
postgres | c        | LWGEOM_distance_sphere |
(1 row)

postgis=# \df+ distance_sphere
                                                       List of functions
 Schema |      Name       | Result data type | Argument data types |  
Owner   | Language |      Source code       | Description
 public | distance_sphere | double precision | geometry, geometry  | 
postgres | c        | LWGEOM_distance_sphere |
(1 row)

The distance_sphere(geometry, geometry) has been deprecated, so use the 
st_ version.


Brian Hamlin wrote:
> thanks for your reply
> through the miracle of remote IRC, I get some chars translated on 
> paste, so no, I did not have a double p
> however, no ST_  fixed it.. I was reading the docs, they plainly say 
> ST_distance_sphere()
> How to find this - actual calls vs alleged calls? Hunt in the SQL ?
> will look
>   -Brian
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