[postgis-users] Database design book recommendations for the person who asked

Mike Adams madams55075 at comcast.net
Sat Jan 26 16:08:43 PST 2008

dnrg wrote:
> I highly recommend these as gentle, clear
> introductions to relational database design:
> * Databases Demystified by Andy Oppel
> * Beginning Database Design: From Novice to
> Professional by Clare Churcher

I'd like to add:

* Database Design for Mere Mortals (2nd Ed):
* SQL Queries for Mere Mortals             :
   Both by Michael Hernandez.

* Joe Celko's Data & Databases: Concepts in Practice
* Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style
* Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties
* Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties
* Database in Depth: Relational Theory for Practitioners

The Hernandez books are easy to follow, concise and a fun read.

The only issue w/ "DD for MM" is using his rules for tuple attributes
reminds me of a Celko quote:

	An original example:...

	SELECT Incident.Type, IPC.DefendantType,
        Recommendation.Notes, ....
        FROM IPC INNER JOIN Incident
	INNER JOIN IncidentOffence
	ON Incident.URN = IncidentOffence.IncidentURN
	---even more JOINs snipped joining IPC.URN on #####.######URN
	---## means fill in the blanks...

	"I have no idea what a URN is, but it looks like a standard identifier
of some kind. Look at all the kinds of "URNs" ie URN, IPCURN, and
OffenceURN (et al) in the original version of the query.  It give you
the feeling of being in a crematorium gift shop."

But even Hernandez states he's only giving you a "process" that will
help create a solid design.  So I'm picking nits...

The C.J.Date is a heftier read and assumes some knowledge of logic,
propositions, prepositions, and predicates.

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