[postgis-users] Scale

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Mon Jul 7 08:29:20 PDT 2008

What if you compared the "widths" of your two geometries by looking at 
the difference in the xmax and xmin?  You can then compute the relative 
size ratio along the x-axis to be used in the second parameter of 
ST_Scale(geometry g, int x, int y, int z).  Do the same for the y and z 

-- Kevin

Bob Pawley wrote:
> I want to scale a geometry of unknown size to the same size as a 
> standard geometry.
> ST_Scale(geometry, float8, float8) - this function does the job but the 
> releative size needs to be known as a float8.
> Is there a method of establishing the float8 by comparing the relative 
> size of the two geometries. (I've looked at St_Difference but it just 
> returns a geometry).
> Bob
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