[postgis-users] intersectionPatternMatrix documentation request

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Mon Jun 16 09:16:16 PDT 2008

GeoTools has some pics here.

My Foss4G2007 PostGIS talk also has a section on this.

Or the spec,...

Rather than an appendix, what about updating the docs for the method?  I 
personally would love to see an enhanced description, a few pictures, 
and example queries for *every* method PostGIS has.

Hope this helps,
-- Kevin

Webb Sprague wrote:
> Is there a graphic that shows the various possible intersection
> matrices that can be yielded from a "relate()" call?  A link to the
> spec, a picture, and an accompanying table would be, to my lights,
> VERY useful additions to the standard docs.
> I realize that they are out there in cyberspace somewhere, but it is a
> pain in the neck to find them even with Google, and a summary graphic
> is all I really want.  I would recommend an Appendix B in the main
> docs.
> I would offer to write this up, but I don't know much about it.
> Thoughts
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