[postgis-users] need PostGIS binaries for Fedora 8.x

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Sat Mar 1 11:19:45 PST 2008


No binaries available -- supporting every Linux distribution would  
quickly become onerous. Fortunately, it is easy to build! Easy!

On Feb 20, 2008, at 10:43 AM, Paul McCullough wrote:

> All,
> I want to run PostgresQL/PostGIS on Fedora 8.3 (or 8.x).
> I see the PostgresQL binaries here
>    http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/binary/v8.3.0/linux/rpms/fedora/
> Do those binaries contain PostGIS? (unable to inspect right now)

1. No, they don't. However, install them, and the -devel variants and  
you can move on the step 2.

> I am concerned about having to do a build.
> Should I be?

2. No! Some of the coolest people in the world build their own  
software from source. Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, that guy from  
Survivor! OK, some people in the world build their own software from  
source. I hear George Clooney is thinking about it.

> Factors in this decision:
> - I am not under hard deadline.


> - I have zero linux experience

Time to get some!

> - I am enthused about linux

Even better!

> - I will be the linux admin! (I have no expert in house)

See above!

> - I have a solid unix user background (non-admin)

Could you be any better looking? Are you seeing someone? Call me.

> - I am a competant java developer

OK, well, five out of six ain't bad.

3. You need to get the libraries PostGIS depends on first.  Your first  
compilation will be a baptism of FIRE! Download GOES from http://geos.refractions.net 
. Download Proj4 from http://proj.maptools.org.

4. Let's go Proj4 first.
- tar xvfz proj-4.6.0.tar.gz
- cd proj-4.6.0
- ./configure
- make
- su
- make install
- exit

5. Take a shot!

6. Let's go some GEOS!
- bunzip2  geos-3.0.0.tar.bz2
- tar xvf geos-3.0.0.tar
- cd geos-3.0.0
- ./configure
- make
- su
- make install
- exit

7. Take a shot!

8. You see how this is going now...

9. PostGIS time!
- tar xvfz postgis-1.3.1.tar.gz
- cd postgis-1.3.1
- ./configure --with-pgsql=pg_config --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos- 
config --with-proj=/usr/local
- make
- su
- make install
- exit

10. Take a shot!

11. Make a database!
- createdb mydatabase
- createlang plpgsql mydatabase
- psql -f /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/lwpostgis.sql -d mydatabase
- psql -f /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql -d  
- psql mydatabase

12. Finish the bottle!

13. Sleep it off. Take an aspirin in the morning and have a glass of  
orange juice.



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