[postgis-users] TopologyException: side location conflict 45

Sébastien Geindre sebastien.geindre at meteo.fr
Mon Mar 3 06:03:35 PST 2008

Hi all,

When i execute a request on my postgis database, i have the following 
error :
request is simple intersects... : intersects("geometry", 
GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((-1.0 40.0, 5.0 40.0, 5.0 51.0, -1.0 51.0, 
-1.0 40.0))', 4326))

INFO:  TopologyException: side location conflict 45 63.64

ERREUR: GEOS intersects() threw an error!
État SQL :XX000

Could anybody explain it to me ?
What means 45 ?
63.64 is a coordinate in 23 polygons of the database.

Thank you.


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