[postgis-users] Can postGIS database views work like .ARP projectfiles?

Gustavo Ces g.ces at pettra.es
Tue Mar 4 00:17:35 PST 2008

    the problem is you can´t open a PostGis table in desktop GIS ( udig,gvsig,...) with various geometrycolumns simultaneously  ( the only mode i know to save diferent geometry types in the same table). The software just asks for A geometry column, so you can open a table as diferent layers using diferent geometrycolumns. I´d like to discover there is a generic geometry type to store linestrings, polygons, points, etc.. in the same column! :) ( maybe geometry type?) but anyway i think no desktop soft can work with it.
    Shapefiles only permits to store a geometry type, so you have to create all that ESRI stuff to create diferent geometry sets as a whole ( what you need, if not wrong). What you try to achive is the user just open a "thing" and all info ( lines, polygons, etc...) just appears as a whole? or are you interesting in styles too?
    The question is, "is there any OGC standard to store geometric data sets and open source software could implement?". 
    Seems like the shapefile are the paradigm to interpret postgis data in not ESRI softwares and it´s a restriction...

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