[postgis-users] problem creating and exporting a polygon with hole using pgsql2shp

Ghislain Geniaux geniaux at avignon.inra.fr
Wed Mar 12 03:28:55 PDT 2008

Using a postgis table with Two polygons, in which polygon 1 entirely  
contained in polygon 2, I've create a new polygon with a hole using :

create table matable2 as
select  r.gid, area(symdifference(r.the_geom,i.the_geom)) as area, 
(symdifference(r.the_geom,i.the_geom)) as the_geom from matable as r,  
matable as i where i.gid=2 and r.gid=1;

pgsql2shp -f ext.shp conversion 'select * from matable2'

Area is correct, display of the polygon in QGIS is also correct, but  
the export by pgsl2shp produce an empty shapefile.

How to deal with this problem?

Geniaux Ghislain

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