[postgis-users] geometry types

Karina Guardado kguardado at gmail.com
Tue May 20 15:06:24 PDT 2008

Frank Warmerdam escribió:
> Karina Guardado wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know if there is support for Surface, Curve, TIN, 
>> Triangle, PolyedralSurface and LinearRing in Postgis.
> Karina,
> I believe that there is not.  Normally Surface, and Curve are
> uninstantiatable geometry classes (they only exist to relate
> particular concrete geometry types).  So there is an SQL-MM
> MULTISURFACE, but no general curve or surface.  This may be
> of help:
>   http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch04.html#id2591274
> I do not believe there is any support for the SF 1.2 PolyhedralSurface
> or TIN types.  LinearRing is also not a concrete type as I understand
> it, but only exists as a conceptual name for a ring in a polygon.  But
> it is not a first class object that can stand on it's own though of
> course we have the LineString.
> Best regards,
Hi, thanks for reply

You know I have just found out the follow information:

1.from the 1.2.0 release of PostGIS there is support for "curve" 
/types/, and initial support for the ISO SQL/MM suite of spatial 
database functions

2.(from the list)We made a patch to add such new geometries to PostGIS.

 It implements TIN and POLYHEDRALSURFACE as described in

OGC SFS1.2 standard.

These geometries are specific MULTIPOLYGON that

describe 3D surfaces and 3D volumes.


Currently, we got the following functions to work for 3D geometries:

- asEwkb

- asEwkt

- asGml

- asSvg (2D output only)

- asX3d.


This last function enables exporting 3D geometries to the X3D format.


I also provide a patch for GEOS to implement the isValid function

for TIN and POLYHEDRALSURFACE. It checks if feature faces

are well connected and well oriented.

So after reading this I feel confused if this geometry types are really 
supported or not and I think it is not clear still for me, I would like 
to know if there is an official documentation but updated with the last 
geometry types supported by Postgis.
Thank you very much,


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