[postgis-users] Re: GeometryCollection Intersection

Markus Schneider schneider at lat-lon.de
Fri May 30 08:14:19 PDT 2008

Hello again,

actually I wanted to ask about the "intersects" operator (and not
"intersection") which is used in the given example query.

Markus Schneider wrote:
> Hello,
> is it correct that geometric operations (especially intersection) are not
> available if one of the geometries is a GeometryCollection?
> My postgis_full_version() is:
> "POSTGIS="1.3.1" GEOS="2.2.3-CAPI-1.1.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS"
> When I try to execute the following statement:
> WHERE X1.GEOM && SetSRID('BOX3D(174259.098 487844.529, 177282.329
> 484821.298)'::box3d,28992)
> AND intersects (X1.GEOM, SetSRID('BOX3D(174259.098 487844.529, 177282.329
> 484821.298)'::box3d,28992))
> I get the error message:
> ERROR: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type.  This is unsupported
> SQL Status:XX000
> I already digged the source code a bit and found the apparent source of the
> message in lwgeom_geos_c.c. It's the check errorIfGeometryCollection(...).
> Is there any chance to perform an intersection between a Box and a
> GeometryCollection anyway? Or are there plans to implement this?
> Thanks in advance,

Best regards,
Markus Schneider

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