[postgis-users] Newbie question - remove duplicate /identicalfeature in postgis

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Mon Nov 17 09:20:43 PST 2008

This looks good.  I would add a couple of suggestions
1) ST_Equals doesn't include an && check.  I know it seems like an
oversight to me and I think Kevin even mentioned it and possibly fixed
it.  Might be changed in 1.4 (and maybe 1.3.4)
2)  With the self-join you have you lose the penalty of of the
correlated subquery, but sometimes a correlated subquery is faster and I
think this might be one of those cases especially if your subquery 
will return few records per record.
I think you can simply do this
mytable.myidcolumn <  
(SELECT  MAX(mt1.myidcolumn )
    FROM mytable mt1    
    WHERE mt1.the_geom && mytable.the_geom 
        AND ST_Equals(mytable.the_geom, mt1.the_geom))
Also ST_OrderingEquals might be faster than ST_Equals since I think
ST_Equals does more intensive testing and also does bizarre things with
invalid geometries.  ST_OrderingEquals is more like a binary check,
though not an absolute.  I guess it depends on how equal you are looking
Hope that helps,


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
Sufficool, Stanley
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 11:29 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: RE: [postgis-users] Newbie question - remove duplicate
/identicalfeature in postgis

Sound like this was never definitively answered, so here's my 2 cents.
1) Create a unique field on your table AFTER importing with shp2pgsql.
alter table mytable add myidcolumn serial
2) Then use the st_equals function to get rid of duplicates with a lower
delete from mytable 
where myidcolumn IN (
    select t1.myidcolumn 
    from mytable mt1, mytable mt2
    where st_equals(mt1.the_geom, mt2.the_geom)
    and mt1.myidcolumn < mt2.myidcolumn
Make sure you have an index on the geom column, or this may take a long

	-----Original Message-----
	From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
Intengu Technologies
	Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 8:00 AM
	To: PostGIS Users Discussion
	Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Newbie question - remove duplicate
/ identicalfeature in postgis
	Dear Kevin & Jean
	Thanks for the assistance.
	2008/11/13 Kevin Neufeld <kneufeld at refractions.net>

		Unfortunately Jean, this won't work.  Your unique
constraint on the geometry column is using the geometry equals operator
(=), which compares the bounding boxes of the geometries, *not* the
geometries themselves.
		postgis=# select 'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)'::geometry =
'LINESTRING(1 1, 0 0)'::geometry;
		(1 row)
		postgis=# create temp table tmp (geom geometry);
		postgis=# alter table tmp add constraint unique_geom
unique (geom);
		NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD UNIQUE will create implicit
index "unique_geom" for table "tmp"
		postgis=# \d tmp
		    Table "pg_temp_2.tmp"
		 Column |   Type   | Modifiers
		 geom   | geometry |
		   "unique_geom" UNIQUE, btree (geom)
		postgis=# insert into tmp values ('LINESTRING(0 0, 1
		INSERT 0 1
		postgis=# insert into tmp values ('LINESTRING(1 1, 0
		ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
		Sindile ,
		An alternative way would be to load the data into
PostGIS using the shape dump as usual.  If you have a distinct key
(other than the gid which is added by shp2pgsql) on your features, you
could create a new table, selecting from your postgis table using
DISTINCT ON (my_distinct_feature_key).
		Or, you could try:
		CREATE TABLE new_distinct_table AS
		SELECT att1, att2, geom::geometry
		FROM (
		 SELECT DISTINCT att1, att2, encode(geom, 'hex') as geom
		 FROM my_polygon_table ) AS foo
		Or, use Jean's method, but instead of the unique
constraint on the geom, use a unique functional index using the
geometry's hex string.
		postgis=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmp_geom_unq ON tmp
(encode(geom, 'hex'));
		postgis=# insert into tmp values ('LINESTRING(0 0, 1
		INSERT 0 1
		postgis=# insert into tmp values ('LINESTRING(1 1, 0
		INSERT 0 1
		postgis=# insert into tmp values ('LINESTRING(1 1, 0
		ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
		postgis=# \d tmp
		    Table "pg_temp_2.tmp"
		 Column |   Type   | Modifiers
		 geom   | geometry |
		   "tmp_geom_unq" UNIQUE, btree (encode(geom::bytea,
		Remember though, that this is *not* a spatial geometry
index, just a unique index on the hex string.
		Hope that helps,

		Jean David TECHER wrote:

			dbname = routing_db
			table =wr
			1. Load only the table structure not the datas
			use -p option taken from shp2pgsql
			shp2pgsql -p wr.shp wr|psql routing_db
			2. Add a constraint on the_geom column
			psql routing_db
check_unique_the_geom unique(the_geom);
			3. Load your datas without 'BEGIN' and 'END'
			* Here use the -a option taken from shp2pgsql
			* use -I for index creation
			The idea is to use the INSERT command in order
to rollbacking if the
			current feature is already in the table
			N.B: don't use -D option!
			shp2pgsql -aI wr.shp wr|grep -v ^BEGIN|grep -v
^END|psql routing_db
			Quoting Intengu Technologies
<sindile.bidla at gmail.com>:

				I have a polygon shapefile that has
duplicate features which I want to load
				into Postgis.  How can I ensure that
each feature has only one record.
				Sindile Bidla

			Jean David TECHER
			06 60 46 85 05
			04 99 77 16 87
			postgis-users mailing list
			postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net

		postgis-users mailing list
		postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net

	Sindile Bidla

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