[postgis-users] ST_AsKML changes in 1.3.3

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 11:52:53 PST 2008

OK. What is going on with AsKML in PostGIS 1.3.3 ? It looks like there
are two new mandatory arguments (version and precision), and the
function name is prefixed by an underscore.

This used to work:


Now this is the only way to invoke the function:

_ST_AsKML(2, geometry, precision)

I noticed that this is not in the online documentation [1]. Any ideas
on what prompted this change, or when it will be documented? Could I
be looking in the wrong places?



1. http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.3/ch06.html

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