[postgis-users] simplify a linestring to n points

strk strk at keybit.net
Mon Nov 24 06:55:46 PST 2008

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 09:31:42AM -0500, Obe, Regina wrote:

> the tolerance argument of ST_Simplify is the max distance allowed
> between any 2 closest points of the original and simplified.  Though
> that's a bit vague to me.

It's the max distance allowed between a point in the original line
and a point in the simplified line.


	\---+        The straight segment is the simplified version
         \  |        The 3-segments is the original version
          \ |        Mad distance is dotted.
            \        Consider buying a T-shirt with the drawing :)
            | \
            |  \
            |   \
            |   .\
            | .`  \


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