[postgis-users] ESRI 9.3 & PostGIS

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Oct 8 13:29:27 PDT 2008

The institute I work for is a long term ESRI user, while I've been encouraging the use of FOSS GIS solutions for some years, with growing success.

We are looking at replacing our Arc/Oracle setup with Arc/PostGIS when we upgrade to 9.3 and I'm interested in any experiences anyone may have with this.

We are hoping that an Arc PostGIS geodtabase can be managed via Arc, but have the contents available as normal (read-only) PostGIS tables, etc via PostGIS client apps such as Geoserver, Mapserver, uDIG, QGIS, gvSIG, R-GDAL, etc.

Has anyone here had any experience with PostGIS as a 9.3 Geodatabase and how open the data is in these, or whether the geodatabase is inherently tied up with non-standard structures that don't work well with typical PostGIS clients?


   Brent Wood

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