[postgis-users] RE: Loading multiple shapefiles with different schemas into the same PostGIS layer

Todd Fagin tfagin at coordinatesolutions.com
Sun Oct 19 13:41:14 PDT 2008

Thank you to all that have replied thus for to my question about loading
multiple shapefiles with different schemas.  All answers have been very


I will look into GeoKettle. A cursory looks seems as if it is very promising
and similar to another ETL tool I have used.


Also, the suggestion to bring everything in with shp2pgsql and then use a
bunch of insert into...select...from... is actually very similar to what I
originally had in mind, but is actually more elegant. Once each layer is
loaded, each could actually inserted into the target layer with a single
insert into...select...from... for each layer using the between function on


Great suggestions everyone.  Thank you.



Todd Fagin


Coordinate Solutions, Inc.

2804 NW 18th St.

Oklahoma City, OK 73107

405.740.4324 (voice)

904.471.5548 (fax)






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