[postgis-users] Re: PostGis on an existing Postgres installation

James Cauchi jamescauchi at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 04:28:57 PDT 2008

Hi Eric,

thanks for your reply.

I was looking at the wiki and for anyone having this problem please
refer to the "newbie common problems" section on the PostGis Wiki:

Thanks again


2008/10/26 James Cauchi <jamescauchi at gmail.com>:
> Hi PostGis Community,
> My Question:
> Does everyone have a separate PostGis and Postgres db in their server
> or do people put all their data in the PostGis db?
> Background:
> I have been using Postgres DB since September and just now I need to
> add GIS support to my application so the obvious thing was to install
> PostGis.
> During my PostGis installation a new db (called PostGis) was created.
> I need to link my goereferenced data to other data in my db before i
> display it to the user on the map and that is why i need all the data
> in 1 db.
> cross-db references are not allowed in Postgres so I am left with 2 options:
> 1. Copy all my existing data to the PostGis db
> 2. Copy the whole PostGis db into my existing db.
> Both these options seem cumbersome and pretty silly so I must be
> missing something here - please enlighten me.
> thanks
> James

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