[postgis-users] bounding box incorrect on circularstring

Ken Southerland southerland at samsix.com
Tue Sep 30 15:25:53 PDT 2008

I am using Postgres 8.2.4 on Windows and am having an issue with the 
Circular Strings in the Postgis extension.

Why is the bounding box of circularstrings incorrectly calculated.  Here 
I have a circular string that represents a nearly closed circle...

db=# SELECT astext( geom ) FROM geom_table WHERE id = 0;

  CIRCULARSTRING(220268.439465645 150415.359530563,220227.333322076 
879,220227.353105332 150406.434743975)

... but it's extent is a rectangle that only covers the two endpoints 
and ignores the middle point and the arc segments in-between...

db=# SELECT astext( extent( geom ) ) FROM geom_table WHERE id = 0;
  POLYGON((220227.34375 150406.421875,220227.34375 
150415.375,220268.453125 15041
5.375,220268.453125 150406.421875,220227.34375 150406.421875))

... is this a known issue that is being addressed?



Ken Southerland
Senior Consultant
Sam Six, Inc.


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