[postgis-users] problems with generated points
Daniel Grum
daniel.grum at unibw.de
Sun Dec 6 09:43:08 PST 2009
I have a problem with the points that are generated by postigs functions.
The points where saved in a PostgreSQL table and tshs table is the
source for the feature type of my geoserver WMS.
If I activate the layer in mapbender my comlete WMS can not be shown and
if I deactivate it my WMS works normaly with no problems.
The points and lines i digitize with my WFS-T(geoserver) work fine, but
than when I use the postgis functions,
f.e. calculate the startpoint of a line and save this point to the table:
st_startpoint(ST_LineMerge(line.the_geom)) AS the_geom
The complete SQL is:
DELETE FROM einheitenstandort WHERE GID > 1;
INSERT INTO einheitenstandort
SELECT nextval('serial') AS GID,
st_startpoint(ST_LineMerge(line.the_geom)) AS the_geom,
line.name_der_einheit AS name_der_einheit,
(SELECT line.art) AS art,
(SELECT a.geschwindigkeit WHERE line.art = a.art) AS
localtimestamp AS zeitpunkt
FROM public.einheiten_und_bewegungen line, public.art_der_einheit
a, public.einheitenstandort es
GROUP BY line.name_der_einheit, line.art, a.geschwindigkeit, a.art,
-->I have to use st_linemerge() because line.the_geom are
-->I think the calculated point make the trouble,
Because the digitized points generated no failure!
Thanks for every help,
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