[postgis-users] ST_INTERSECT returns false, but should return true

Satish Murthy satish_m at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 9 08:27:33 PST 2009


I can't figure out why this is happening:

This works, returning true:
SELECT Intersects(
GeomFromEWKT('MULTILINESTRING((-26.9599999999939 -29.97 1 0,-26.9399999999976 -29.99 2 0),(-25.8599999999937 -29.97 1 0,-26.9399999999976 -29.99 2 0))'), 
    GeomFromEWKT('POINT(-26.9599999999939 -29.97 1 0)')) ;

If I select the same as geometries, it returns false
SELECT ST_Intersects(
(select geom1 from tab), 

    (select geom2 from tab)) ;

Weird thing is, 
   select ST_DISTANCE (geom1, geom2)
returns 3.51700710773038e-14

This behavior is not consistent - sometimes ST_INTERSECTS returns true correctly.

Can anyone suggest what might be the problem here?

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