[postgis-users] Cannot erase Table
vega_l at yahoo.com
vega_l at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 26 23:43:23 PST 2009
Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me.
This might sound very basic, but I can't erase the data table "forestshape".
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | forestshape | table | luis
public | geometry_columns | table | luis
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | luis
(3 rows)
I'm the owner in this database named "luis" with user "luis". But when executing "DROP TABLE forestshape" and "DROP SEQUENCE forestshape", nothing happens, not even an error message is shown. When I execute "\dt", the table "forestshape" is still there.
Here is the output of "\d forestshape"
luis=# \d forestshape
Table "public.forestshape"
Column | Type | Modifiers
ogc_fid | integer | not null default nextval('forestshape_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass)
wkb_geometry | geometry |
cat | integer |
id | integer |
area | integer |
"forestshape_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ogc_fid)
"forestshape_geom_idx" gist (wkb_geometry)
Check constraints:
"enforce_dims_wkb_geometry" CHECK (ndims(wkb_geometry) = 2)
"enforce_geotype_wkb_geometry" CHECK (geometrytype(wkb_geometry) = 'POLYGON'::text OR wkb_geometry IS NULL)
"enforce_srid_wkb_geometry" CHECK (srid(wkb_geometry) = 32767)
Any help is very much welcome.
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