[postgis-users] ordering spatial data in tables - WARNING! BUG?

Simon Greener simon at spatialdbadvisor.com
Sun Jan 11 23:09:25 PST 2009


Much faster to do this:

drop table tmp_gis_roads;
create table tmp_gis_roads as 
  FROM gis_roads a 
                                                    (SELECT ST_SRID(c.the_geom) 
                                                       FROM gis_roads c LIMIT 1))) 
                        FROM gis_roads b);

On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:26:04 +1100, Simon Greener <simon at spatialdbadvisor.com> wrote:

> Given the 8.3.5 bug in CLUSTER for GiST indexes, in the meantime, what if Ben loaded his data, spatially indexed it and then did this:
> create table gis_roads
> as
> select *
>   from tmp_gis_roads a
>  where a.the_geom && ST_Envelope( (SELECT ST_Collect(Force_2d(b.the_geom))
>                                                                    FROM tmp_gis_roads b);
> That should, at least, order the data being written to disk via the spatial index and give him the performance boost he is after.
> regards
> S
> On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 09:17:11 +1100, Kevin Neufeld <kneufeld at refractions.net> wrote:
>> This is a known PostgreSQL 8.3.5 bug (#4567).
>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2008-12/msg00278.php
>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2008-12/msg00037.php
>> It looks like the there's fix for it as well.
>> Cheers,
>> Kevin
>> Ben Madin wrote:
>>> G'day Vincent,
>>> This didn't work as anticipated - in fact it appears to have truncated
>>> the table!
>>> On 08/01/2009, at 5:01 AM, postgis-users-request at postgis.refractions.net
>>> <mailto:postgis-users-request at postgis.refractions.net> wrote:
>>>> Another and more <classic> solution (despite slower on big tables) to
>>>> keep spatially close rows together on disk is to use postgresql CLUSTER
>>>> statement.
>>>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-cluster.html
>>>> CLUSTER reorders data on disk using a specified index, therefore
>>>> increasing access speed when reading rows in the index order.
>>>> Example :
>>>> CREATE INDEX idx_mytable_the_geom ON mytable USING GIST(the_geom);
>>>> CLUSTER mytable USING idx_mytable_the_geom;
>>> CLUSTER works on a normal index :
>>> # select count(*) from gis_roads;
>>>  count
>>> -------
>>>  89618
>>> (1 row)
>>> # CLUSTER gis_roads USING gis_roads_gid_key;
>>> # select count(*) from gis_roads;
>>>  count
>>> -------
>>>  89618
>>> (1 row)
>>> all good!
>>> But when I try on the gist index
>>> # CLUSTER gis_roads USING gis_roads_gist;
>>> # select count(*) from gis_roads;
>>>  count
>>> -------
>>>      0
>>> (1 row)
>>> whoops!
>>> Is this something I missed? Is this a PostgreSQL bug... surely the
>>> cluster command shouldn't be allowed to destroy a whole table.
>>> cheers
>>> Ben
>>> --
>>> Ben Madin
>>> t : +61 8 9192 5455
>>> f : +61 8 9192 5535
>>> m : 0448 887 220
>>> Broome   WA   6725
>>> ben at remoteinformation.com.au <mailto:ben at remoteinformation.com.au>
>>> Out here, it pays to know...
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SpatialDB Advice and Design, Solutions Architecture and Programming,
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