[postgis-users] Append only new features
pcreso at pcreso.com
pcreso at pcreso.com
Sun Jan 18 09:15:43 PST 2009
brizey02 wrote:
> I am trying to load the combined
> http://www.weather.gov/regsci/gis/shapefiles/allwarn.zip but
> I only want to load the new warnings is there a way to load only the
> new geometries? I was doing a append but there were warnings being
> duplicated until they expired,
> I know there are 3 unique identifiers WFO, TYPE,ETN is
> there a way to load only the new ones?
option 1:
Create a unique index (or primary key) on the target table and load the records using separate inserts for each record, NOT combined as a single transaction.
Any inserts of a duplicate will fail due to the unique constraint, the others should load fine.
option 2:
load the entire shapefile into a temporary table, then insert those records which do not already exist into the target table. One possible way is:
insert into table
select * from temp_table
where wfo||'_'||type||'_'||etn
not in (select distinct wfo||'_'||type||'_'||etn from table);
Brent Wood
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