[postgis-users] PostGIS-PostgreSQL

Nenad Milasinovic nenad.milasinovic at zesium.com
Mon Jul 13 06:18:15 PDT 2009


I have some questions relating to PostGIS and PostgreSQL.
I am interested how GEO-data from PostGIS are connected to data in 
Say that we have vector layer of all city streets in PostGIS table, with 
some street attributes (e.g. street name).
Say also that we have all data about locations in PostgreSQL table. That 
data contains information about location street also.
What i want to accomplish is that when user change street name is 
PostGIS table, that street name should automatically be changed in
all locations which belongs to that street. I am interested is there any 
connection between tables in PostGIS and PostgreSQL
that could automatize this process, or i need to update all locations 
with new street data by myself.


Nenad Milasinovic
Software Development and Testing


"ZESIUM mobile" d.o.o.
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E-mail: nenad.milasinovic at zesium.com

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