[postgis-users] PostGIS-PostgreSQL
Chris Hermansen
chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
Mon Jul 13 10:57:23 PDT 2009
Yes BUT you should never have a changeable value like street_name as the
primary / foreign key.
Instead you should have a street_name_lu table which has street_name_id
and street_name, with street_name_id as the PK. Then all tables that FK
into that will use the street_name_id which does not change, and the
street_name can be changed as needed, with all referencing tables "just
getting" the change.
Most particularly, to use the whole cascading delete / update mechanism,
or triggers for that matter, to deal with changes to primary key values,
is really a shame when it's so simple to solve by a better key design
Mike Toews wrote:
> Nenad Milasinovic wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have some questions relating to PostGIS and PostgreSQL.
>> I am interested how GEO-data from PostGIS are connected to data in
>> PostgreSQL.
>> Say that we have vector layer of all city streets in PostGIS table,
>> with some street attributes (e.g. street name).
>> Say also that we have all data about locations in PostgreSQL table.
>> That data contains information about location street also.
>> What i want to accomplish is that when user change street name is
>> PostGIS table, that street name should automatically be changed in
>> all locations which belongs to that street. I am interested is there
>> any connection between tables in PostGIS and PostgreSQL
>> that could automatize this process, or i need to update all locations
>> with new street data by myself.
>> Thanks.
> Hi Nenad,
> PostGIS and PostgreSQL tables are pretty much the same. A "GIS" table
> is one that has 1 or more column with type "geometry" and metadata in
> the geometry_columns table.
> It was mentioned previously, but to update references to a street name
> in other tables you should investigate into a unique and foreign key.
> So, for example, if you reference unique names of a street in one
> table, give it a unique constraint:
> ALTER TABLE street
> ADD CONSTRAINT street_name_unique UNIQUE(street_name);
> This means, however you can only have 1 "Broadway Street" in your
> vacinity. If you have more than 1 distinctly named streets per city of
> a metropolitan area, you may need to make a unique constraint using
> two columns where it is unique, e.g.:
> ALTER TABLE street
> ADD CONSTRAINT city_street_name_unique UNIQUE(city, street_name);
> Then the magic happens when you reference "Broadway Street" in another
> table zero or more times using a foreign key with rules for "ON
> UPDATE" and "ON DELETE" events to the unique reference. So, for
> example, if you want the references to update themselves when the name
> is updated, you need "ON UPDATE CASCADE" and when you want the
> referenced rows to be deleted when the row with the unique reference
> is deleted, you need "ON DELETE CASCADE". There are many options,
> depending on what your are capturing and what you want to archive.
> ALTER TABLE street_attributes
> ADD CONSTRAINT street_attributes_street_name_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (street_name)
> REFERENCES street (street_name) MATCH SIMPLE
> -- or for (city, street_name) --
> ALTER TABLE street_attributes
> ADD CONSTRAINT street_attributes_city_street_name_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (city, street_name)
> REFERENCES street (city, street_name) MATCH SIMPLE
> If you have pgAdmin III you can create and explore the use and
> behaviour of foreign key configurations using GUI dialogs, which is a
> great way to learn.
> -Mike
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Regards, (please note new mobile number below)
Chris Hermansen mailto:chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
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