[postgis-users] st_within maddness

Kevin Galligan kg at kagii.com
Fri Jul 24 07:33:15 PDT 2009

Eww.  Thanks for running it, though.  Maybe a version issue?

I tried this.  I "rotated" my box a bit.  The big square box that
worked.  I took that and knocked the points clockwise 100 meters
around the virtual bounding box, simply by adding or subtracting 100
to/from the relevant dimension.

select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin where st_within(bbox,
-8231500 4980400,
-8231600 4979500,
-8232500 4979600,
-8232400 4980500,
-8231500 4980400))'));

That DID NOT work.  Tried again with 1 meter...

select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin where st_within(bbox,
-8231500 4980499,
-8231501 4979500,
-8232500 4979501,
-8232499 4980500,
-8231500 4980499))'));

Also didn't work.  Want to see something really weird?  I changed 1 of
the points, by 1 meter, which should make the box bigger (second
point, '4979499')...

select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin where st_within(bbox,
-8231500 4980500,
-8231500 4979499,
-8232500 4979500,
-8232500 4980500,
-8231500 4980500))'));

Also didn't work.  However, physically changing that back to...

select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin where st_within(bbox,
-8231500 4980500,
-8231500 4979500,
-8232500 4979500,
-8232500 4980500,
-8231500 4980500))'));

Works.  That returns the data inside.

Postgis version info...

"POSTGIS="1.3.3" GEOS="3.0.0-CAPI-1.4.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.0, 21 Dec
2007" USE_STATS"

Any other thoughts?

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Maxime van Noppen<maxime at altribe.org> wrote:
> On 07/24/09 15:49, Kevin Galligan wrote:
>> I'm sure there's something simple I'm missing here, but we've hit the
>> "pull hair out" stage, so I'm hoping there's a kind soul out there
>> that can clear things up.
> I've ran the example you give that you give as example and get results :
>> # select asewkt(bbox) from testwithin where st_within(bbox, ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-8232000, 4980000),900913), 500));
>>                                                    asewkt
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  SRID=900913;POLYGON((-8232000 4980000,-8232000 4980100,-8231900 4980100,-8231900 4980000,-8232000 4980000))
> No idea what the problem can be though :-/
> --
> yabo
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Kevin Galligan

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