[postgis-users] Issue with spatial query (PostGIS, ST_DWithin, SRID, transform)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri Jul 24 10:15:13 PDT 2009

You're using OSM and you're worried about precision? :) (couldn't resist)

you can use st_distance_spheroid() or st_distance_sphere() to skip the
transform step. That won't give you an indexed result, so things will
be slow on large databases for spatially restricted queries.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Mulone<andrea.ballatore at ucd.ie> wrote:
> I just realised that... Thanks.
> But then again, what SRID am I supposed to use to get meters?
> Sorry but I couldn't find any proper documentation on this apart from blog
> posts.
> For example, the query:
> SELECT distance(
> transform( GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT( -6.195  53.283 0)'), 32661 ),
> transform( way, 32661 )
> ),*
> FROM planet_osm_point
> WHERE osm_id = 47204752
> seems to return meters, but how can I figure out the query precision and
> reliability?
> Thanks again,
> Mulone
> Paul Ramsey-3 wrote:
>> It means you should be using POINT(-6.195 53.283 0), you are reversing
>> your coordinates for the lonlat point.
>> P
>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Mulone<andrea.ballatore at ucd.ie> wrote:
>>> If I execute:
>>> SELECT distance(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(53.283 -6.195 0)'), way),*
>>> FROM planet_osm_point WHERE osm_id = 47204752
>>> the expected distance is about 100-150 meters, and I get
>>> 84.1155775105245, which is in decimal degrees, but what does that mean?
>>> Degrees from what?
>>> If I re-project everything in another SRID, I get the following values,
>>> which aren't less mysterious to me:
>>> SRID: 32662 ===> distance: 9363703.25625372
>>> SRID: 26986 ====> distance: 9366636.40006539
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Mulone
>>> Mulone wrote:
>>>> Hi Pedro,
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> I've tried to re-project everything with
>>>> SELECT osm_id FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE
>>>> ST_DWithin(ST_transform(way,2163),ST_transform(GeomFromText('POINT(53.30124
>>>> -6.21804 0)', 4326),2163), 100);
>>>> But it doesn't return anything.
>>>> That's my scenario: there is just one polygon within 100m, and I'm
>>>> actually able to get that object if I enter 84.16 as a distance. Is
>>>> there
>>>> a logical explanation to this? With such a huge distance I would expect
>>>> postigs to return everything.
>>>> Pedro Doria Meunier wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Mulone,
>>>>> Openstreetmap uses a Mercator projection.
>>>>> When you specify '100' you're actually saying 'give me everything
>>>>> within 100 *degrees*'
>>>>> You should reproject your data to the desired/applicable projection by
>>>>> means of transform();
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Pedro Doria Meunier
>>>>> GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
>>>>> Skype: pdoriam
>>>>> Mulone wrote:
>>>>>> [apologies for cross posting]
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I'm running some queries on a PostGIS db containing OSM data loaded
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> osm2pgsql.
>>>>>> I want to get the geometries within a certain distance from a point.
>>>>>> I've
>>>>>> written this query:
>>>>>> SELECT osm_id FROM planet_osm_point WHERE
>>>>>> ST_DWithin(way,geomfromtext('POINT(53.30124 -6.21804 0)', 4326), 100);
>>>>>> where 100 is meant to be 100 meters. This query returns all the
>>>>>> objects
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the table, and running it with different distances I found a sort of
>>>>>> threshold around 84.16, where I start getting less objects.
>>>>>> I thought it was an issue related to the system reference, so I tried
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> this conversion:
>>>>>> SELECT osm_id FROM planet_osm_point WHERE
>>>>>> ST_DWithin(transform(way,2163),transform(geomfromtext('POINT(53.30124
>>>>>> -6.21804 0)', 4326),2163), 5740000);
>>>>>> The threshold in this case seems to be about 5740000, which is
>>>>> obviously not
>>>>>> meters.
>>>>>> How can I figure out the units DWithin is working in?
>>>>>> Besides, I doubt this is the best way to do what I want, any better
>>>>>> ideas?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>> Mulone
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